劉氏畢業於英國The Surry Institute of Art & Design University College室內設計系學士,8年的電視廣告美術指導工作後,投身天比高創作伙伴,由正式成立起這6年來一直擔任製作總監至2014年2月完成任務。
從電視廣告裡的平面設計與美術指導工作,到擔任天比高創作伙伴製作總監一職,劉氏參與過不少大型政府與及商業機構年度企劃, 當中工作包括了不少電視廣告、微電影、MV、演唱會影像投影、平面設計、表演活動、商業攝影、電台宣傳等等。
不同的工作令劉氏累積商業上的不少實踐機會。另一方面,同時亦擁有相當豐富與年青人 互動的經驗,一直兼任不同工作坊導師,包括錄像、攝影、設計和藝術教育等。由2015年至2017年期間,劉氏創辦了舊課本展示館,運用民間博物館這種形式嘗試和大眾分享香港的珍貴舊故事。
與此同時,劉氏從2000年開始積極投入個人藝術創作,由早年拍攝獨立短片到近十多年專注的攝影創作,作品能夠穫得不同國家展覽機會,當中包括利物浦國際攝影節、阿根廷國際攝影節、新加坡國際攝影節、集美 X 阿爾勒:東西方對話國際攝影季、雅典攝影節、吳哥窟攝影節與及博物館和私人收藏家收藏。當中攝影作品《山水文明》系列(2013) 亦獲得連州國際攝影節新攝影年度藝術家獎,另外最新作品《黎明請你不要來The Dayspring of Eternity 》(2021) 亦獲得第一屆香港攝影樣本書獎銅獎。
Graduated from The Surry Institute of Art & Design University College (BFA on Interior Design). After spending 8 years in the Art Directing department of Television Commercials, Lau participated in Skyhigh Creative Partners as Creative Director from its very beginning through out the project’s 6 years running period. He has been participating in various campaigns / fields, including annual projects of clients including The Hong Kong Jockey Club, LKS foundation Hong Kong. In which Lau was involved in different media such as TVC, featurettes, music videos, music concert video projection, graphic design, event performance, photography, radio and online promotions.
Apart from gaining experience for himself, Lau has also been heavily involved in youth education, and hosted workshops for young people on video production, photography, graphic design and art education. He is the curator of Old Textbooks Showroom, a private gallery operated since 2015 - 2017, where people can reminisce how Hong Kong once was.
Lau is also an established artist in his own right starting out on short films and eventually focuses on photography for over a decade. His work has been exhibited in various countries, including Liverpool International Photography Festival, Argentina International Photography Festival, Singapore International Photography Festival, Jimei X Arles: East West Encounters International Photo Festival, Athens Photo Festival, Angkor Photo Festival, and being collected by museums and private collectors. His photography series “Landscaped Artifacts” (2013) has gained him the New Photography Artist of the year from Lianzhoufoto Festival 2013. Lau received third prize of Hong Kong 1st Photobook Dummy Award 2021 at Hong Kong Photobook Festival for his latest work “ The Dayspring of Eternity”.
1997-99 BA in Interior Design, The Surrey Institute of Art and Design University College, England
1994-96 Diploma in Interior Design, Caritas Bianchi College of Careers, Hong Kong
2021 The Dayspring of Eternity, Self-Publishing, Hong Kong
2021 Forgive me for bidding farewell tonight, Self-Publishing, Hong Kong
2018 Our Old Textbooks 2, Chung Hwa Book Company (Hong Kong) Limited, Hong Kong
2016 Our Old Textbooks 1, Chung Hwa Book Company (Hong Kong) Limited, Hong Kong
2014 Double Gaze, Self-Publishing, Hong Kong
2007 The Only Day, Self-Publishing, Hong Kong
Public Collection
Hong Kong Heritage Museum
2021 March / 3rd prize of Hong Kong 1st Photobook Dummy Award 2021 at Hong Kong Photobook Festival / Hong Kong
2013 November / New Photography Artist of the year, the 9thLIANZHOU FOTO / China
Solo Exhibitions
2021 November / "Forgive me for bidding farewell tonight" / Photography Exhibition at Oil Street Art Space / Hong Kong
2020 July / “My Kind of Landscape” / Photography Exhibition at Lumenvisum, JCCAC / Hong Kong
2019 November/ the 15thLIANZHOU FOTO 2019 / Lianzhou, China
2014 August / “Last Landscape” / Photography Exhibition at Lumenvisum, JCCAC / Hong Kong
2014 August / "Double Gaze" / Photography Exhibition at miniminigallery / Hong Kong
2013 November / Yuen Yueng, A Contemporary Photography Exhibition by 7 Hong Kong Artists / the 9thLIANZHOU FOTO / China
2007 / “The Only Day”1stpart / January, 2007 / An abandoned house on the hill, Cheung Chau
2ndpart / March, 2007 / Kapok, Hong Kong
Group Exhibitions
2021 December / Spinning East Asia Series I: A Compass in Hand / CHAT (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile) Mill6 / Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong
2018 September / Collections of Tom, Debbie and Harry / Tai Kwun JC Contemporary / Hong Kong
2017 June / Composing Stories With Fragments Of Time / Karin Weber Gallery / Central, Hong Kong
2017 April / Look/17 Liverpool International Photography Festival| Cities ofExchange: Liverpool: Hong Kong / Liverpool, UK
2016 August / YUEN YEUNG "Contemporary Photography 7 artists from Hong Kong" / Festival of the Light of Buenos Aires Argentina 2016 / Buenos Aires, Argentina
2016 August / 1000 FAMILIES 4th Hong Kong International Photo Festival / TaiKoo Place ArtisTree / Hong Kong2016 July / Hong Kong Contemporary Photography Exhibition 2016 | JCCAC L0 Gallery / Hong Kong
2015 October / Jimei X Arles: East West Encounters International Photo Festival / Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre / Xiamen, China
2015 August /Invisible Photographer Asia, Hong Kong & Taiwan Photographers Showcase / Angkor Photo Festival 2015 /Cambodia
2015 July / The PhotoBook Exhibition/ Athens Photo Festival/ Athens, Greece
2014 October / Open Call Showcase / the 4thSingapore International Photography Festival 2014 / Singapore
2013 October / HKID Hong Kong Identity / A Contemporary Photography Exhibition / Chinese Museum / Melbourne, Australia
2013 July / Hong Kong Contemporary Art Awards 2012 / The Hong Kong Museum of Art/ Hong Kong
2012 July / Hong Kong Photography Series 3: Beyond the Portrait / Hong Kong Heritage Museum / Hong Kong
2011 April / “Kotoba, Hong Kong Photographer Series / A Charity show for helping Japan” / Upper Station Photo Gallery / Hong Kong
2010 “Five Sensations of Life” / July / Atelier Muji, Tsim Sha Tsui,/ , Part2 / September / Atelier Muji, Taikoo Plaza, Hong Kong
2008 April / “HongKong Anarchitecture Bananas: Artists who reclaim space” / Cattle Depot Artist Village / Hong Kong
2008 April / “Folktale” (Art installation) / Kai Tak Airport, Hong Kong
2008 January / “Love From Hong Kong” / on behalf of HK Trade Development Council (TDC) / Harbour City, Hong Kong
2007 November / “Love From Hong Kong” Tokyo’s Designer’s Week / on behalf of HK Trade Development Council (TDC) / Japan
2007 May / “Remembering Hong Kong x Local Creative Forces” / Hong Kong Times Square, Hong Kong
2005 December / “The Last Radiance of Life” / Visual Space on Shanghai Street / Yau Mei Tei, Hong Kong
Independent Film
2004 Here Comes the Rainbow, 1:2 Of A Kind Was It You? (Was It You?) (DV/Duration: 17’)
2006 May
Busan Asian Short Film Festival / Busan, South Korea
2006 March
Forbidden Lovers / Cinematheque / Yau Mei Tei, Hong Kong
2005 August
The 17thAnnual Vancouver Queer Film & Video Festival / Vancouver, Canada
2004 November
Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Film Festival / Hong Kong
2003 Lu Ren (Super 8, Duration: 5’45”)
2005 July
The 9thThai Short Film & Video Festival / Bangkok, Thailand
2005 April
The 2ndHong Kong Outdoor Film Festival / Hong Kong
2004 October
The 2ndAsiana International Short Film Festival / Seoul, South Korea
2003 February
Hong Kong IFVA Independent Short Film and Video Contest / Hong Kong
copyright © 2019 Lau Chi Chung, All Rights Reserved.